Makes filing export information automatic for Streamline customers
JACKSONVILLE, FL (Jan. 27)-Streamline, a SaaS ERP logistics and supply chain management company, today announced it has earned full certification as an AESDirect software vendor. This certification will make it easier for Streamline customers, in a single transaction, to file required Electronic Export Information (EEI), send the information directly to U.S Customs & Border Protection, and produce compliant carrier labeling to help track goods from shipment to destination.
Data used by the Automated Export System (AES) is used by the U.S. Census Bureau to collect data on exports and it is shared with CBP to monitor compliance with U.S. export regulations. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) AESDirect is the primary filing tool for submitting your Electronic Export Information (EEI) to the Automated Export System (AES).
Streamline’s versatile and robust software automates the handling of complex international shipping – made more complicated because of global security concerns – so shippers can better focus on customer needs rather than filing forms and data entry errors.
“Streamline simplifies what used to be a really cumbersome, labor-intensive process of administration and form filing,” said Streamline president Chris Matthews. “By integrating with AESDirect for all ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) filings, the processing of a tremendous amount of information is virtually instant.”
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